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Ten Years After, Alvin Lee und Woodstock


Rock, Blues, Jazz

Alvin Lee, guit.
Ric Lee, drums
Chick Churchill, org.
Leo Lyons, bass

Ten years After

Ten Years After und Chris Wright

Der Kern von Ten Years After bestand aus Alvin Lee und Leo Lyons. Bereits 1960 traten sie gemeinsam in unterschiedlichen Gruppen auf, den Jayman, Mansfield, Atomities und vielen anderen. Die meiste Zeit verbrachten sie damals als Trio (mit dem Sänger Ivan Jay) in Hamburg. Zurück in England, schloss sich der Schlagzeuger Quickmire an, später ersetzt durch Ric Lee (nicht verwandt mit Alvin Lee).
Nach Fernsehauftritten in der "Saturday Night Sunday Morning" Show wurden sie bekannter und tourten in der Gegend von Nottingham. Ihr Roadie Chick Churchill wechselte die Seite und setzte sich selbst an die Orgel. Der Club Manager Chris Wright erkannte das musikalische Potential und verhalf zu Auftritten in diversen Clubs. Sie wollten ohne Ivan Jay bekannt werden und suchten nach einem passenden Namen. Blues Trip, Blues Yards waren die ersten Versuche. Leo las in der Zeitung über "Zehn Jahre nach der russischen Revolution....." und Ten Years After war entstanden.

Ten Years After und Woodstock

Im Zuge des britischen Blues Booms wurden sie bekannt durch die Mischung aus Blues und Jazz. Eine Amerika Tournee und der Auftritt in Woodstock waren der endgültige Durchbruch. In den Jahren nach "Recorded Live" fanden die Platten beim Publikum nicht mehr die Beachtung. Die Frische der ersten Jahre war zwar vorbei, doch auch auf den folgenden Alben ist immer noch guter Bluesrock zu finden.Auch die nächste Formation "Ten Years Later" brachte keine Verbesserung der Plattenumsätze.


alvin leechick churchill

Ten years After
Ten years After

leo lyons

rick lee

Ten Years After Discography


Ten Years After - Ten Years After - 1967

I want to know; I can't keep from crying sometimes; Adventures of a young organ; Spoonful; Losing the dogs; Feel it for me; Love until I die; Don't want you woman; Help me

Mehr von der ---> Same

Ten years After

Ten Years After - Undead - 1968

I may be wrong but I won't be wrong always; At the woodchopper's ball; Spider in my web; Summertime; Shantung cabbage; I'm going home

Mehr zu --- > Undead

Ten years After

Ten Years After - Stonedhenge - 1969

Going to try; I can't live without Lydia; Woman trouble; Skoobly-oobly-doobob; Hear me calling; A sad song; Three blind mice; No title; Faro; Speed kills

Mehr zu ---> Stonedhenge

Ten years After

Ten Years After - Ssssh - 1969

Bad scene; Two time mama; Stoned woman; Good morning little schoolgirl; If you should love me; I don't know that you don't know my name; The stomp; I woke up this morning

Mehr zu ---> Ssssh

Ten years After

Ten Years After - Cricklewood Green - 1970

Sugar the road; Working on the road; Year 3, 000 blues; 50, 000 miles beneath my brain; Me and my baby; Love like a man; Circles; As the sun still burns away

Ten years After

Ten Years After - Watt - 1970

I'm coming on; My baby left me; Think about the times; I say yeah; The band with no name; Gonna run; She lies in the morning; Sweet little sixteen

Ten years After

Ten Years After - Rock 'n' Roll Music Over The World - 1972

You give me loving; Convention prevention; Turned off T.V. blues; Standing at the station; You can't win them all; Religion; Choo choo moma; Tomorrow I'll be out of town; Rock & Roll music to the world

Ten years After

Ten Years After - Recorded Live - 1973

One of these days; You give me loving; Good morning little schoolgirl; Help me; Hobbit; I can't keep from cryin' sometimes; Slow Slow blues in C; I'm going home; Choo Choo mama

Ten years After

Ten Years After - A Space In Time

One of these days; Here they come; I'd love to change the world; Over the hill; Baby won't you let me rock 'n roll you; Once there was a time; Let the sky fall; Hard monkeys; I've been there too; Uncle Jam

ten years after

Ten Years After - Positiv Vibration

Nowhere to run; Positive vibrations; Stone me; Without you; Going back to Birmingham; It's getting harder; You're driving me crazy; Look into my life; Look me straight into the eye; I wanted to boogie

ten years after

Ten Years After - Live At Fillmore 1970

Love like a man; Good morning little schoolgirl; Working on the road; The hobbit; 50.000 miles beneath my brain; Skoobly-oobly-doobob/ I can't keep.../Extension...(Medley); Help me; I'm going home; Sweet little sixteen; Roll over Beethoven; Woke up this morning; Spoonful

Mehr zur ---> Fillmore East

Ten years After

Ten Years After - About Time

Highway of Love; Let's Shake It Up; I Get All Shook Up; Victim of Circumstance; Goin' to Chicago; Wild Is the River; Saturday Night; Bad Blood; Working in a Parking Lot ; Outside My Window; Waiting for the Judgement Day

Rocket Fuel - Ten Years Later

Rocket fuel; Gonna turn you on; Friday the 13th; Somebody callin' me; Ain't nothin' shakin'; Alvin's blue thing; Baby, don't you cry; The devil's screaming

Alvin Lee - Discography nach TYA

Alvin Lee And Company - (1972)
On The Road To Freedom - (1973)  
In Flight - (1974) 
Pump Iron! - (1975) 
Rocket Fuel - (1978) 
Let It Rock - (1978) 
Ride On - (1979)
Free Fall - (1980)
RX 5 - (1981)
Detroit Diesel - (1986)
Zoom - (1992)
Nineteenninetyfour - (1993)
Live In Vienna - (1994)
Pure Blues - (1995)
Solid Rock - (2000)
Alvin Lee